Solver Options

Solver Statistics

ALTRO logs intermediate values during the course of the solve. These values are all stored in the SolverStats type, accessible via solver.stats or Altro.stats(solver). This currently stores the following information:

iterationsTotal number of iterations
iterations_outerNumber of outer loop (Augmented Lagrangian) iterations
iterations_pnNumber of projected newton iterations
iterationVector of iteration number
iteration_outerVector of outer loop iteration number
costVector of costs
dJChange in cost
c_maxMaximum constrained violation
gradientApproximation of dual optimality residual (2-norm of gradient of the Lagrangian)
penalty_maxMaximum penalty parameter

The other fields are used interally by the solver and not important to the end user.

The vector fields of the SolverStats type can be converted to a dictionary via Dict(stats::SolverStats), which can then be cast into a tabular format such as DataFrame from DataFrames.jl.


Struct containing key statistics collected during the solve, such as histories of the cost and constraint violations by time step, number of iterations, solve time, etc.


Solver Options

Like any nonlinear programming solver, ALTRO comes with a host of solver options. While the default values yield good/acceptable performance on many problem, extra performance can always be gained by tuning these parameters. In practice, there are only a few parameters that need to be tuned. See the AL-iLQR Tutorial for more details.

The ALTRO solver is actually a composition of several different solvers with their own options. Early versions of Altro.jl required the user to manipulate a rather confusing heirarchy of solver options. Newer versions of Altro.jl provide a single options struct that dramatically simplifies setting and working with the solver parameters.

Setting Solver Options

Solver options can be specified when the solver is instantiated or afterwards using the set_options! command. If we have a previously constructed Problem, this looks like

solver = ALTROSolver(prob, verbose=1, constraint_tolerance=1e-3, square_root=true)

Alternatively, solver options can be set using the set_options! command after the solver has been instantiated:

set_options!(solver, reset_duals=true, penalty_initial=100, penalty_scaling=50)
set_options!(opts::AbstractSolverOptions; kwargs...)
set_options!(solver::AbstractSolver; opts...)

Set solver options via keyword arguments, supporting either solvers or solver option types directly. Will set any and all options that match the provided arguments. For example, set_options!(solver::ALTROSolver, constraint_tolerance=1e-4) will set the constraint tolerance option in the ALTRO, Augmented Lagrangian, and Project Newton solvers.

The only exeption is the verbose setting, which always accepts a boolean, while ALTRO and Augmented Lagrangian solvers accept integers 0-2, with 1 providing output for the outer AL iterations but not the iLQR iterations.


Querying Solver Options

The options struct for the ALTROSolver can be directly accessed via solver.opts or Altro.options(solver). Options can be directly set or retrieved from this mutable struct.

List of Options

For convenience, we provide a list of options in the ALTRO solver, along with a brief description:

constraint_toleranceAll constraint violations must be below this value.High1e-6
cost_toleranceThe difference in costs between subsequent iterations must be below this value.High1e-4
cost_tolerance_intermediateCost tolerance for intermediate iLQR solves. Can speed up convergence by increase to 10-100x the cost_tolerance.Med1e-4
gradient_toleranceTolerance for 2-norm of primal optimality residual.Low1
gradient_tolerance_intermediatePrimal optimality residual tolerance for intermediate solve.Low10
iterations_innerMax iLQR iterations per iLQR solve.Med300
dJ_counter_limitMax number of times iLQR can fail to make progress before exiting.Low10
square_rootEnable the square root backward pass for improved numerical conditioning (WIP).Medfalse
line_search_lower_boundLower bound for Armijo line search.Low1e-8
line_search_upper_boundUpper bound for Armijo line search.Low10.0
iterations_linesearchMax number of backtracking steps in iLQR line searchLow20
max_cost_valueMaximum cost value. Will terminate solve if cost exeeds this limit.Low1e8
max_state_valueMaximum value of any state. Will terminate solve if any state exeeds this limit.Low1e8
max_control_valueMaximum value of any control. Will terminate solve if any control exeeds this limit.Low1e8
static_bpEnable the static backward pass. Only advisable for state + control dimensions < 20. Turn off if compile time is exessive.Lowtrue
save_SSave the intermediate cost-to-go expansions in the iLQR backward pass.Lowfalse
bp_regEnable iLQR backward pass regularization (WIP).Medfalse
bp_reg_initialInitial backward pass regularization.Low0.0
bp_reg_increase_factorMultiplicative factor by which the regularization is increased.Low1.6
bp_reg_maxMaximum regularization.Low1e8
bp_reg_minMinimum regularization.Low1e-8
bp_reg_fpAmount of regularization added when foward pass failsLow10.0
penalty_initialInitial penalty term on all constraints. Set low if the unconstrained solution is a good approximate solution to the constrained problem, and high if the initial guess provided is a good esimate. If NaN uses values in each constraint param, which defaults to 1.0.Very HighNaN
penalty_scalingMultiplicative factor by which the penalty is increased each outer loop iteration. High values can speed up convergence but quickly lead to poor numerical conditioning on difficult problems. Start with small values and then increase.If NaN defaults to 10 in the per-constraint parameter.Very HighNaN
iterations_outerMax number of outer loop (Augmented Lagrangian) iterations.Med30
verbose_pnTurn on printing in the projected newton solver.Lowfalse
n_stepsMaximum number of projected newton steps.Low2
projected_newton_toleranceConstraint tolerance at which the solver will exit the Augmented Lagrangian solve and start the projected newton solve. Typically sqrt(constraint_tolerance)High1e-3
active_set_tolerance_pnTolerance for the active constraints during the projected newton solve. Includes some barely satisfied constraints into the active set. Can fix singularity issues during projected newton solve.Med1e-3
multiplier_projectedEnable updating the dual variables during the projected newton solve. Also provides a calculation of the optimality residual in the stats output.Lowtrue
ρ_cholRegularization on the projected newton Cholesky solve.Med1e-2
ρ_primalRegularization on the primal variables during the projected newton solve. Required if cost Hessian is positive-semi-definite.Low1e-8
ρ_dualRegularization on the dual variables during the multiplier projection step.Low1e-8
r_thresholdImprovement ratio threshold for projected newton solve. If the ratio of constraint violations between subsequent steps is less than this value, it will update the cost and constraint expansionsLow1.1
projected_newtonEnable projected newton solve. If enabled, projected_newton_solve is used as the constraint_tolerance for the AL-iLQR solve. Projected newton solve is still a WIP and not very robust.Hightrue
iterationsMax number of total iterations (iLQR + projected newton).Med1000
verboseControls output during solve. 0 is zero output, 1 outputs AL iterations, and 2 outputs both AL and iLQR iterationsLow0